'Metropolis Rio', oil and acrylic on canvas, 152cm x 254cm (2008)
Detail Left: Star formations rest on the role of dice, clouds transform into angels and spirits as butterflies wings flap trigger fresh realities.
Detail Centre: A rope bridge leads to a platform suspended by a hot air balloon, offering the fragile means of entry into this floating Metropolis.
Detail Right: The carnival proceeds higher into the city, a festival that marks the beginning of Lent and a porous borderland life and death.
A background in etching influenced the early development of my detailed painting style as I sought to revisit and revive the colours of childhood, including travels between London and Rio. Some have Rio as the centrepiece, others the theme of carnival. I have also included sketches, digital pieces and Bermuda shorts inspired by my paintings of Rio.
'Cine Lapa', acrylic on canvas, 152cm x 122cm (2010)
For all enquiries about the work, whether to price or availability, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am particularly receptive to working with galleries in the cities featured in the paintings, introducing the parallel reality into the familiar, in this case with galleries and/or collectors based in Rio and Brazil more generally.
If you find yourself interested in such a collaboration, do not stall, and reach out to me.
Caio Locke